How to declare Text Datatype of "1000" characters

Sapphire123Sapphire123 Member Posts: 112

I'm trying to create a TEXT datatype field of 1000 length. Unfortunately, its limiting me to 250 chars. Any idea how to work around this? As per the Microsoft Navision Dev 1 book, ' A text is a string of 0 to 1024 characters (earlier versions may be limited to 250 characters).' I'm working on Navision 5.0

Thanks in advance!


  • ufukufuk Member Posts: 514
    I think WaldoNavPad is a good solution. It splits the field value into lines within an editor which is more capable to copy, paste, overview etc. jobs, it is one of my favourite :D
    Ufuk Asci
  • Sapphire123Sapphire123 Member Posts: 112
    hmmm... I'll look into. However, I was more curious as to why I wasn't able to declare a text field of 1000 length IF it has been documented do so... :-k

    thank you..
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    About BIGTEXT

    or use a blob
    or split it up into smaller sizes using

    LargeText1 := COPYSTR(OrigText, 1, 250);
    LargeText2 := COPYSTR(OrigText,251,250);
    LargeText3 := COPYSTR(OrigText,501,250);
    LargeText4 := COPYSTR(OrigText,751,250);

    it all depends on your needs
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,305
    a text VARIABLE can be 1024 characters long. a FIELD of datatype text can only be 250 characters. Don't shoot the messenger, it's just the way it is.
  • Sapphire123Sapphire123 Member Posts: 112
    Thank you the response..

    I did some testing with bigtext, etc.. blob won't work for me either. I need something like WaldoNavPad.. and I have no clue where to get started/how to use it? :oops:

    Looking at the objects.. it doesn't seem to be affecting the fields/tables I am working with.. My objective is to increase the size of the description field from the Purchase Line table. So, a user can enter multiple lines of data in the Decription field off the Purchase Order Subform. How will WaldoNavPad help me out here? :?

    Any suggestion is appreciated.
    Thank you...
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    Have you played around with Extended Text?

    Or leaving the Type Blank and just typing in text in the description field below the item?

    Does adding it to the PO Comments and having those comments print on
    your po work for you?

    I think it would be clearer if we knew where do you want this extra info to appear? On Inv on PO or it it just for inhouse info? How do you want it to look? Does the text that's added need to have an unlimited amount of space? stuff like that.

    We use both Description & Description 2 for all our items and because of that have added it to every form , PO, Sales Line, etc that needs it. So we can enter text into either/or/Both if needed.

    We use item extended text so show breakdowns of displays.
  • WaldoWaldo Member Posts: 3,412
    May be I can answer ... :wink:

    You can use WaldoNavpad as a text editor to be able to get large amounts of text in and out of Navision.
    It is just a very tiny and simple automation variable you can use. It runs a form with a RichText Editor where you can copy/past or just type large amounts of text in. When closing the form, you have the opportunity (in code) to get the text from the text editor depending on the field lenght of the field you want to put it into (you put this into a loop). you have to opportunity to store the seperator as well (carriage return or space), if it is important to you to be able to rebuild the text as the original when loading it into the WaldoNavpad again.

    Just download it from and have a go with it.

    Eric Wauters
    MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
    My blog
  • WaldoWaldo Member Posts: 3,412
    ufuk wrote:
    I think WaldoNavPad is a good solution. It splits the field value into lines within an editor which is more capable to copy, paste, overview etc. jobs, it is one of my favourite :D
    Always nice to read :D

    Eric Wauters
    MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
    My blog
  • Sapphire123Sapphire123 Member Posts: 112
    Thanks again for the suggestions/explanation ...

    Using Comments or extended texts won't work..
    WaldoNavpad demo accomplishes what I need.... but, how do i make it work for the Purchase Line Subform..? (I'm fairly new navision programming)

    This is what I need,
    In a Purchase Order, user wants to enter long text into the description field, without moving off to antoher line. Description is limited to 250 characters, so this isn't possible.. ](*,)

    Purchase Line type = blank.
    Purchase Line Description = enter text (maybe longer than 1000 characters. ) Once they move out of the field, the text should all be displayed.

    Thanks again for all the help... I really appreciate it..! :)
    In the meanwhile..I'll keep playing around wiht Navpad..
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    This user sounds like they want alot!

    Anywho..Then you solution also needs to be order/Item/Line specific.

    Just curious on what type of info are they adding?

    just throwing it out there.
    But if add "Description 2" to your puchase line table.
    then set on the properties of the Description Field to
    MAXLENGTH to 50 (unless you already changed this to 250??)
    NEXTCONTROL to Description 2 ID #.

    Then when the description is filled with 50 (250 if you changed it) characters it will automatically move to Description 2. :mrgreen:

    & to keep it going you then set the NEXTCONTROL of Description 2 to the Descriptions' ID. Then the user never has to stop - it will keep entering data until thye stop.

    You can test this by just setting the NEXTCONTROL of the description field to itself (6?) along with autoenter & maxlength proprties.

    Instead of messing with Description size changes - i would go with new fields of length 250 DescAdditions1, DescAdditions2, DescAdditions3.
    at maxlength have them jump into each other.

    **My ugly enduser input for the day**
  • Sapphire123Sapphire123 Member Posts: 112
    Thank you Savatage,

    This is definetly a good idea.. I tried it and it looks good to me.
    But, chances that the user will want something more user friendly like WaldoNavPad is very high...but, for that, i need to tweak some code.. :roll:

    I'll see how it goes.
    Thanks again.. :)
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