Restoring a company with data - not working

KisuKisu Member Posts: 381
Hey, its me again =^^=
I'd have another problem.

I have a Company X (with setup checklist full of data) in a Database on my SQL Server 2005 and I'd need to transfer my Company Y (which has also checklist full of data) from my laptop's Native SQL server so the data comes with it.

I've tryed these things:
Taken backup from the SQL server where is the Company Y and tryed to restore it on my external SQL Server2005. It did recover the company but no checklist data (both X and Y Companies are in same DB)

Then I tryed to take copy of all objects of the Company Y and export them into a .fob file then imported them again at the SQL Server 2005. Import went well, it copied 3500 objects and made 38 new (there were 3538 objects on my Native Y Company)

Actually I dont know why it made 38 new objects and didn't take them in on my backup. ^o.O^

Well after all these, still I'm not happy, the setup check list in my Company Y in SQL Server 2005 is still empty. No setup is moved and I dont know what I'm doing wrong here :/

One solution works that I know, where I delete the company X from my SQL Server 2005 DB and then restore the backup, then checklist is full but I will loose the company X. =.=

Any help from you guys. :3

p.s. sorry about my english typing skills, I'm working on it ^^;;


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