
Can not send email from Navision

darshanmdarshanm Member Posts: 280

I am using nav 4.0 SP3.

When I try to send the e-mail from Navision, system gives
me below message

"Could not create an instance of OLE control or Automation server
identified by GUID={.......}

'NS Outlook Syncronisation handler', OSendMail

Please help me to resolve this problem
Darshan Mungekar
Senior Consultan


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    mukshamuksha Member Posts: 274
    You can't send email directly from navision. You need to synchorinize navision with outlook and you can send it from your outlook express.
    Mukesh Sharma
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    darshanmdarshanm Member Posts: 280

    I got the solution. I have upgraded from Outlook 2000 to Outlook 2003.
    Now I am able to send the email from Navision after synchronization
    with outlook.

    If anybody is facing this problem, Please note that you have to
    upgrade to Outlook 2003 or higher.
    Darshan Mungekar
    Senior Consultan
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    FranklinFranklin Member Posts: 253

    I have the same problem but i haven´t Microsoft Outlook, i have Outlook Express 6...

    Some idea???? :-k
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