We have purchased a 4th financial dimension and I would like to know where I can learn more about how to "activate" it so that Axapta has it in the tables.
The license code was accepted, but the 4th dimension does not show up.
We have Axpata 3.0 that is not in production yet.
Thank you,
try searching in axapta developer's guide with keywords "dimension" and "add"
br, Lin
Axapta has no user interface when adding dimensions, you need to use the AOT and modify about 6 extended data types.
Email me if you want to know which ones, or check the technet web site and you should find a post in there if you search.
If you want the labels to display someting else, you change it also there.
Here are more steps to be done:
Add element to DimensionAllocation and Dimension Allocation2
Add relations to the Dimension and DimensionCriteria
Add element to the SysDimension base data type
DO NOT RENAME THE EXISTING ONES, but you can change the labels
Add relation to the LedgerJournalTrans table
More detailed information can be found in the Developers guide (i.e. AxDvgUs.chm in client\bin) by searching for "Adding Dimension".