Hello Forum:
I'm upgrading from Nav 3.60 to Nav 5.0 this year. Do you have any recommendations that I should keep in mind for the upgrade??? I have seen that the upgrade toolkit works for ver 3.70 ->5.0 and 4.0->5.0 does it works to upgrade from 3.60->5.0??
Thanks. :?
No this would be a two step process, either:
3.60 -> 3.70 then 3.70 -> 5.00
3.60 -> 4.00 then 4.00 -> 5.00
The decision needs to be decided in each case depending on what granules the client is using.
You can find more here : Upgrade to NAV 5.0 from older versions - is this a 2 step process?
Also I am going to investigate this in more detail to see if there is a "one size fits all" solution, and will blg about that once I have done some more testing.
No, it will not work for 3.60 to 5.0 in one step.
I need to do this (not quit done yet)
The 3.60 to 3.70 to 5.0 might look like the only way, but I end up with
an other solution, final testing not done yet.
First: 3.60 > 3.70 Step 1
then 3.70 > 5.0 Step 1
then import all 5.0 objects.
then 3.60 > 3.70 Step 2
then 3.70 > 5.0 Step 2
You will need to renumber objects in the 5.0 toolkit.
The main reason for this is that otherwise I need to develop a set of 3.70 objects.
Luck is that changes in 3.70 and 5.0 only overlap in a few places.
Eg. Jobs is only changes in 3.70 to 5.0 and NOT in 3.60 to 3.70
3.60 to 4.0 on to 5.0 might be better.
BR Per
If so upgradetoolkit could not raise database version.
You should do object upgrade and than dataupgrade.