Contact Email causes table permission error

bhalpinbhalpin Member Posts: 309

This is happening under NAV 5.0


On Contact card, Communications tab, I click E-Mail.

Company opened with SQL client, I get the error:
You do not have permission to read the Segment Header table.

but using CSIDE client, I get the error:
You do not have permission to read the Interaction Template table.

Both cases were using the same licence file - so it's very strange.

Has anybody got a suggestion for where to go next?

Thank-you in advance.

Bob Halpin


  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    The difference is in SQL itself. In Nav, if client wants to check if table is empty, client needs permission for this table, when running on SQL. But in Native DB, this is checked before permission check is done and the error about permission is reisen just if the table is not empty. It is because in Native DB all checks are done on same level, but in SQL the permission check is done by MS SQL but other checks are done in C/Side - it means permissions have higher priority than anything other in SQL option.
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • bhalpinbhalpin Member Posts: 309
    Thank's Kamil. That explains the variation in behaviour.

    Digging deper, I've found the root cause.

    The licence file includes granules:

    5,110 CRM - Contact Management
    5,150 CRM - Task Management

    The Interaction Template table (5064) and the Segment Header table (5076) are not included in either of those granules (They are included in granule 5,160 CRM - Interaction/Document Mgt.)

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