Hi expert,
thank fr your replied I thought the UserID & Password in general tab was used for login to the window server instead of navision login??
Anyhow i did tried to enter userID & Password in general tab..but it take no effect..once the press on 'testscript' button navision client executing and login screen prompted for id & password Any idea? 10s in advance~
Are you sure you setting up the general tab info correctly?
Are you checking or not checking the NT Authorization box?
Have you tried with & without the check?
Hi savatage, am sure that am entered the info correctly in general tab..i did tried check & without check the "NT Authorization". Am using navision 4SP1 ..any idea..gett'g stuck.. sigh..
hi savatage and alls...~10s for u guys earlier replied..it's was my mistake.. i only noted that we have to wait for few seconds once the navision application executing. Now i realized that my id & password will fill automatically by the script...10s a lot~!! now it work like a champ~
The navback lite work well for me..except the "Subject" in notification part. I did receive the notification email but the email subject that i received is not following the format wording tat i stated in "subject" field. It seem like ignore the subject that i specified...any idea? any1 experience this? 10s in adv~
hi Igor,
So will it be fix in next coming release version? jz curious..
This is just a beta - if you're happy with it then perhaps you should purchase the full version that has all the bell's n whistle's.
You can't put a price on a good backup system \:D/ I guess you can -->> http://www.navierra.com/en/company.php
I thought I might shed some light on this error (Error getting Navision handle) I kept getting in my log files.
My setup:
Navision 4.00 SP3
Native Database Server running on Windows 2003 Server Standard
Database file location: N:\navdb\company.fdb (approx. 1.4gb)
My backup process:
Okay, since my server is running Navision Database Server via TCP I have to stop the Database Server from running because I want to make a full separate copy of the file that I can perform operations on, in this case my NAV DB server name is SERVER1.
STEP 1: navfulldbcopy.bat (scheduled task at 1:00am) @ECHO OFF
echo Stopping Navision Database server.
net stop SERVER1
echo Making a copy of NAVISION DATABASE file to HOTCOPIES folder to perform backup on.
COPY /Y /Z "N:\navdb\company.fdb" N:\navdb\fulldbcopy
echo Starting Navision Database server.
net start SERVER1
So the contents of the batch file above does the following in preparation for my backup process:
1. Stops the Navision Database Server service to allow the database file to be safely copied.
2. Copies my company.fdb file to N:\navdb\fulldbcopy folder for use by DW NavBack Lite.
3. Starts the Navision Database Server service to allow network users to continue using the database.
STEP2: (scheduled task at 1:45am)
I have a scheduled task that I created with DW NavBack Lite that runs on a schedule, here is the command as found in my Scheduled Task for your reference:
"N:\Program Files\DW NavBackup Lite\DW NavBackup.exe" "N:\navdb\backups\daily_backup_script.nbs"
PROBLEM: After the first time all of this runs my file company.fdb located at N:\navdb\fulldbcopy gets locked with an open handle after DW NavBack Lite runs just 1 time. So I believe that Dw NavBack Lite is leaving the file handle open so successive backups are failing because I can't overwrite company.fdb in N:\navdb\fulldbcopy with the COPY command because it is still locked by SLAVE.exe and furthermore once that fails my next scheduled task DW NavBack Lite cannot open N:\navdb\fulldbcopy\company.fdb file because it remains locked. I think this is caused by DW NavBack Lite not properly closing the Navision Client/File Handle used to perform the backup process.
SOLUTION: Download Microsoft (SysInternals) HANDLE.exe utility to find the PID of the proper SLAVE.exe process and then pipe the output, grab the PID and terminate the offending process to release the handle for the next backup run. I am currently going to write a small .EXE in VB that shells and runs HANDLE.EXE, pipes it's output to a text file. My VB app will then read the file into a string searching it for the PID of the associated instance of the handle that is stopping things and then shell and kill the PID thus freeing up my file so it can be overwritten for the next backup run.
Half-empy or half-full how do you view your database?
Ignore auto run on finish - doesn't need to contain any info.
Fill in all the info on the previos tabs.
Whne you select "Create Scheduled Task" it will ask you to save a filename.
"MyBackup" or whatever. This file will contain all the parameters you selected on the previous tabs.
That way when the task is run it knows what to do.
I would also suggest your backup filename (Expression) be like this:
%DATE4Y2M2D%YourCompanyName Backup1
By ending it in a Number it will auto increment without issue.
I'm interest in this software, but my NAV's version is 2009 SP1 and my database is SQLSERVER 2008 Enterprise. DW NavBack Lite doesn't run on this configuration.
Somebody knows if an upgrade is possible to fix this problem ?
First of I must say this tools works well, were using Navision 5 on a Windows 2008R2 Server.. I only have one issue and that is:
the utility seems unable to create a task in windows task scheduler, it say its done it and asks me to my user and password into the task DW NAVbackup backupnav, I have no idea what that means. (see attached pic)
I looked in the windows task scheduler and can see nothing that been added..
would it be possible for a clue, i'm willing to add the task manually but do not know the syntex required, really new to Navison so maybe i have missed something here..
Any help would be appreciated, I have no issues in paying for the app but I do need to see it working.
thank fr your replied
Anyhow i did tried to enter userID & Password in general tab..but it take no effect..once the press on 'testscript' button navision client executing and login screen prompted for id & password
Are you checking or not checking the NT Authorization box?
Have you tried with & without the check?
what version of NAV are You using?
The navback lite work well for me..except the "Subject" in notification part. I did receive the notification email but the email subject that i received is not following the format wording tat i stated in "subject" field. It seem like ignore the subject that i specified...any idea? any1 experience this? 10s in adv~
it was beta version and I have forgot to add there "subject" change.
So will it be fix in next coming release version? jz curious..
sorry but this tool is no longer supported
Best Regards,
This is just a beta - if you're happy with it then perhaps you should purchase the full version that has all the bell's n whistle's.
You can't put a price on a good backup system \:D/
My setup:
Navision 4.00 SP3
Native Database Server running on Windows 2003 Server Standard
Database file location: N:\navdb\company.fdb (approx. 1.4gb)
My backup process:
Okay, since my server is running Navision Database Server via TCP I have to stop the Database Server from running because I want to make a full separate copy of the file that I can perform operations on, in this case my NAV DB server name is SERVER1.
navfulldbcopy.bat (scheduled task at 1:00am)
echo Stopping Navision Database server.
net stop SERVER1
echo Making a copy of NAVISION DATABASE file to HOTCOPIES folder to perform backup on.
COPY /Y /Z "N:\navdb\company.fdb" N:\navdb\fulldbcopy
echo Starting Navision Database server.
net start SERVER1
So the contents of the batch file above does the following in preparation for my backup process:
1. Stops the Navision Database Server service to allow the database file to be safely copied.
2. Copies my company.fdb file to N:\navdb\fulldbcopy folder for use by DW NavBack Lite.
3. Starts the Navision Database Server service to allow network users to continue using the database.
STEP2: (scheduled task at 1:45am)
I have a scheduled task that I created with DW NavBack Lite that runs on a schedule, here is the command as found in my Scheduled Task for your reference:
"N:\Program Files\DW NavBackup Lite\DW NavBackup.exe" "N:\navdb\backups\daily_backup_script.nbs"
PROBLEM: After the first time all of this runs my file company.fdb located at N:\navdb\fulldbcopy gets locked with an open handle after DW NavBack Lite runs just 1 time. So I believe that Dw NavBack Lite is leaving the file handle open so successive backups are failing because I can't overwrite company.fdb in N:\navdb\fulldbcopy with the COPY command because it is still locked by SLAVE.exe and furthermore once that fails my next scheduled task DW NavBack Lite cannot open N:\navdb\fulldbcopy\company.fdb file because it remains locked. I think this is caused by DW NavBack Lite not properly closing the Navision Client/File Handle used to perform the backup process.
SOLUTION: Download Microsoft (SysInternals) HANDLE.exe utility to find the PID of the proper SLAVE.exe process and then pipe the output, grab the PID and terminate the offending process to release the handle for the next backup run. I am currently going to write a small .EXE in VB that shells and runs HANDLE.EXE, pipes it's output to a text file. My VB app will then read the file into a string searching it for the PID of the associated instance of the handle that is stopping things and then shell and kill the PID thus freeing up my file so it can be overwritten for the next backup run.
emulsified, were you successful in resolving the issue?
Anyone discovered something new?
I still can't find the manual for setting up
How I can get it? My main problem is I am not able to retieve company, no matter it connects.
Thanks cgarcia
Auto Run on finish
1.) wat is need to be mentioned in Program and Parameters.
2.) how to create a Scheduled Task.
Can any guide me please
Ignore auto run on finish - doesn't need to contain any info.
Fill in all the info on the previos tabs.
Whne you select "Create Scheduled Task" it will ask you to save a filename.
"MyBackup" or whatever. This file will contain all the parameters you selected on the previous tabs.
That way when the task is run it knows what to do.
I would also suggest your backup filename (Expression) be like this:
%DATE4Y2M2D%YourCompanyName Backup1
By ending it in a Number it will auto increment without issue.
I'm interest in this software, but my NAV's version is 2009 SP1 and my database is SQLSERVER 2008 Enterprise. DW NavBack Lite doesn't run on this configuration.
Somebody knows if an upgrade is possible to fix this problem ?
the utility seems unable to create a task in windows task scheduler, it say its done it and asks me to my user and password into the task DW NAVbackup backupnav, I have no idea what that means. (see attached pic)
I looked in the windows task scheduler and can see nothing that been added..
would it be possible for a clue, i'm willing to add the task manually but do not know the syntex required, really new to Navison so maybe i have missed something here..
Any help would be appreciated, I have no issues in paying for the app but I do need to see it working.