I by mistake renumbered object 51 000 to 510 000,
/i do not have license permission for 510 000/, and now i can not delete,renumber or make anything with this object.
Is there any way to remove this wrong renumbered object?
As referred from old Nolug archive - you can create an empty object to delete it from another database. You can ask your local NF distributor to create such a fob for you or mail me privately for instructions how to create it yourself.
You mark the object (so the line is blue), then you do copy. After that you move the curser and do paste. Then NF says Table xxxxxx already exits. After that you get a window say something like "The table could not be past....". You confirm that and then you see that the line is already there, the only thing you need to do is to change the ID-number before you leave the line. And you have change a number on a object that you don´t have access to.
When saving with the 'wrong' number, Navision gives an error saying you don't have enough rights.
I'm using NF MS SQL Option 2.5.
Urmas Pill
Urmas Pill