How to find sales invoices which were totally..

finderfinder Member Posts: 129

I have to export from NAV information which sales invoices were totally applied today (or yesterday). I'm only interested in transaction which were created today thereby I cannot find the answer directly from cust.ledger as there is only posting date and not creation date. Only place which I found that has creation date was G/L Register. Now I tried to find these paid (and applied) invoices from this register but it seemed to be quite complicated. If receipt was directly applied to sales invoice it was OK but if applying was made afterward and also credit memos.. then it got out of hand :( Maybe there is some easier way to find today's finally paid sales invoices.

I appreciate your help,


  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    Why doesn't the posting date work for you? I'm not sure why I would apply a payment to an invoice & not post it!?. & if you didn't post it, then did it actually "really" happen in the system somewhere?

    Do you have report 10041 "Cash Applied"?
  • finderfinder Member Posts: 129
    Yes of course I want to export only posted transactions. Posting date doesn't work because it won't say if this transaction has been done today or not (user can make transaction today and put different posting date). That can cause situation that I miss to export some transactions that were made to previous date.
    No, I don't have report 10041, what does it include?
  • finderfinder Member Posts: 129
    Thank you, it's quite useful report but it won't solve my problem at the moment. I still cannot export payment by creation date. Of course I can use posting date and export all payments from last week hoping that nobody has done it to previous weeks. But this solution won't avoid some mistakes and isn't an elegant solution. Also it's possible export always all the payments but it isn't also nice solution cause file grows too big.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    perhaps you could use the report as a starting point and tweak it to fill your needs.

    Or stop this from happening
    finder wrote:
    (user can make transaction today and put different posting date).
  • finderfinder Member Posts: 129
    I cannot avoid this situation where user enters previous date for payment because payments are based on bank statements and these are usually entered next day (or afterward if there is holiday between) but with actual posting/transaction date. As I understand the only way to find transaction by creation date is still G/L Register. Then I have to check register entries which have made from cash receipts and credit memo's and entries which were also applied later. It seems quite complicated but looks like it's the only way :(
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    Ok we usually post then goto the bank. If we can't make it to the bank ontime we hold the posting until the next day. This way the deposit and the posting date are always the same.

    Isn't this creation date like the Document date? Why can't the Doc date be filled in with the "Creation Date" which will then bring it to the Customer ledger entries and you can use that field to filter on in the report?
  • finderfinder Member Posts: 129
    Creation date is given by program automatically.
    I agree that this problem won't arise with the payments for purchase invoices (then we act the same way as you described). But when customer pays sales invoice that I will find out from bank statement (customer can pay invoice late in the evening this way I cannot save it to program on the same day but next day but posting date should be the actual transaction date).

    Actually it's a quite good idea (add new field to CLE table) and I have been thinking something similar. I thought making a new table where I could save information for customer ledger entries which have been exported this way I don't have to modify standard CLE table. Could it also be appropriate solution?
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    I edited out that post - but your a fast responder!

    That might evenbe a better idea - to have a seperate table that can be linked to the Cust leger Entry table (so you can still pull the info you need) But the table can store other info including something like

    Reviewed/Exported True or false (depending on what fits your stiuation) that way nothing will fall thru the cracks regardless of date.
    If it appeard on a report already - it won't appear again (kind-o-thing)
  • finderfinder Member Posts: 129
    I try to get it working by using the new table.
    Thanks Harry, you have been very helpful =D>
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