Upgrade Toolkit 5.0 - Problems

WinfriedBarzWinfriedBarz Member Posts: 38
Since 2 days i try to upgrade with the new upgrade toolkit to make an upgrade from an 4.0 SP3 to 5.0. I collect lots of errors. Here some of my problems and I hope I find somebody can help me.

- Remove IDs
bevor merging with NDT it is recomended to use remid.bat to remove IDs out of the old Baseversion and of the old custom version. Result is
both files are 4 kB smaller than the original, some code is missing an the taskmanager show, that the remid2.exe is running with 50%

- Step 1 Data Conversion Form 104001
Task 4 - Transfer Data is running withoit any error

Task 5 - Delete Objects stop with en errorMenuSuite MBS can´t be deleted

Task 6 - Import all customized objects
Here I have some problems to understand some sentences in different documents around the upgrade prozess, Merging with or without the table objects? I think without. Which objects are to import in the new custom database? What is with the new tables from the 5.0 database? What is with the table service invoice line (in the old db 5902, in the new db 5993)

So what objects are to import? I tried with:
- die customized Objects from merging, only forms and reports I myselve changed in NAV 4.0
- all Objects from NAV 5 (Forms, Reports, Dataports, XML, Code, Menu)
- all tables from NAV 5 that are new in NAV, I think 84 tables

Step 2 - Data Conversion - Form 104002
Task 10 - Transfer Data stop with an error "Reference to the member Service Invoice of the variable could not be solved". In the Debugger I found that the error occures when trying with an Modifyall in the Table "Extended Text Header" to set the field "service invoice" to True, but this field isnt yet in the table.

Now I am looking for somebody understand my english an can help me.
Best Regards
Winfried Barz


  • flfl Member Posts: 184

    My first impression is that you o not fully understand the upgrade process. The modified, read customized objects, need to be imported in version 5, not in 4.

    I remember the documentation uf upgrading was also for me not that clear. So please do read and read and read untill you fully understand the proces.

  • WinfriedBarzWinfriedBarz Member Posts: 38
    thank you for your answer. I imported the modiefied customer objects in the 5.0 database not in the 4.0 database.
    Best Regards
    Winfried Barz
  • shankar25_12_82shankar25_12_82 Member Posts: 45
    Hi all,

    You guys know that Navision 5.0 Upgrade Toolkit will not handle the Service module data.. ie.. open Service Order, Service Invoice also even the Posted Service documents..

    Navision 5.0 Upgrade Toolkit is not stopping me to continue. when i perform the Delete objects in the Step 1 process even i have not completed my Transfer Data for all company...

    Since Menusuite is not a deleteable object. becouse this is created by Microsoft Developer with their special license. Obviously we can overwrite the old menusuite with the new one...

    I have created a New Tool before Microsoft Released and we have migrated the Navision 4.02 to 5.0 before the release for one of out client..

    But it is just an information....

    Shankar R
  • gulamdastagirgulamdastagir Member Posts: 411
    So you are telling me upgrade toolkit doesnt work

    Since i had to upgrade from 4.3 to 5.00 without the Transactions just created dataports for all the master files

    but if you select all the fields in G/L Account while creating the dataport fields and when you try to export from 4.3 it creates the txt file but when i try to import that txt file into 5.00 it gives me some error.

    however, if i select a few fields from G/L to create the dataport fields it does export/import very well from 4.3 to 5.0

    if someone could help me identify these "key" fields in the master tables then i could create dataports accordingly

    Thanks for your time

  • KisuKisu Member Posts: 381

    - Remove IDs
    bevor merging with NDT it is recomended to use remid.bat to remove IDs out of the old Baseversion and of the old custom version. Result is
    both files are 4 kB smaller than the original, some code is missing an the taskmanager show, that the remid2.exe is running with 50%

    I have the same but the files are 2,5kb smaller and it halts :/
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