Migrating from Native db to SQL db

chris_johnsonchris_johnson Member Posts: 22
Hi all,

I usually only post on here when I'm completely without hope and I can't use some 'creative development' to get around the issue (as you can see at time of writing I've posted 10 times in about 4 years!) but please, allow me to tell you a story.

I am a developer working for an end-user company with quite a heavily modified Navision solution. We have been looking to move from the native db to the SQL db for some time and I finally have time to do it now. I have encountered the odd problem, which I have managed to work through using the upgrade toolkit.

The issue I am struggling with is the restoration of a native backup into an sql db. Whilst I have a licence that allows me to create databases up to 62(ish)GB using the native db, when I try to create the sql db it will only allow me up to 2GB in size.

Question: Are there two different settings in the licence file for the size of db I can create (one for native and one for sql)?

I have tried a variety of ways to create the database, by letting sql handle the size expansion itself and also by specifying the size (which is where I get the licence error message).

Any thoughts would be appreciated,



  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    The problem is not NAV license, but used MS SQL server. You installed MSDE edition (free one) which have limit on max. DB size (2GB). You need to use Standard or Enterprise edition or Developer edition of MS SQL. And do not forget, that there is max file size connected to FAT file system.
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • chris_johnsonchris_johnson Member Posts: 22
    Thanks for the reply kine.

    It's interesting you say this as I have installed SQL Server 2005 (with SP2 applied). As a side note I am also running Vista. I shall check the version numbers of my SQL installation to see what this tells me.

    Thanks again,

  • chris_johnsonchris_johnson Member Posts: 22
    I am running SQL Server version 8.0.760

    Using the link below this is down as SQL Server 2000 SP3. I believe SQL Server 2005 starts with version 9... (I think I hear the sound of a can of worms being opened).

    http://sqlserver2000.databases.aspfaq.c ... nning.html
  • diptish.naskardiptish.naskar Member Posts: 360
    And what is the type, enterprise??
    Diptish Naskar
    For any queries you can also visit my blog site: http://msnavarena.blogspot.com/
  • chris_johnsonchris_johnson Member Posts: 22
    The version is whatever version (I assume) Vista may have installed. I have installed SQL Server 2005, which is the Developer Edition. Running setup.exe with the parameter SKUUPGRADE=1 it would appear that it may not a 'supported upgrade scenario'.

    I shall try again using a 2005 Standard Edition and see what happens.
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Do not upgrade. It is much better to uninstall what you installed and install new version...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • chris_johnsonchris_johnson Member Posts: 22
    I have removed MSDE and SQL Server 2005 and then re-installed SQL Server 2005. This appeared to have solved the issue with the size as it would allow me to create a file over 2GB.

    Unfortunately (for me), it would appear that it had an effect on the current client installation of Navision. I received error messages saying that it was missing files. In true I.T. fashion I uninstalled Navision and then tried to re-install. I now cannot install Navision as the install is interrupted (error status 1603 whatever that is).
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,305
    Don't run complete installation, that will run the MSDE installer again. Select the custom option, and only select the client and the help files.
  • chris_johnsonchris_johnson Member Posts: 22
    Thanks for the suggestion. I have tried just a minimum install and a custom install with only the help files as well. It is doing exactly the same. It gets to about two thirds through and fails. Most strange.
  • generally it's not a good idea to do this on desktop o/s. There are lots of limits with a desktop o/s I'd always suggest a server o/s, even in a virtual session.
  • chris_johnsonchris_johnson Member Posts: 22
    I would agree with you there Colin. Unfortunately I do not have a server available to me at the moment (our hardware guys will hopefully free one up for me in the near future) so I am having to trial it out on my own machine.

    I have re-installed Vista and SQL Server 2005 before even touching Navision. Navision seems to be going on ok now (just the client as you said) and I am in the process of doing a restore.

    I think it probably needs noting in here, should anyone else attempt to run the Navision server option to create a new database on Vista, that there is an issue with the sqlsrv32.dll file. This can be addressed using the following link (thanks to kine on this one):

    http://msmvps.com/blogs/kine/archive/20 ... a-RC1.aspx

    I shall let you all know how it goes. Thanks to everyone who helped.
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    All problems with Vista are solved by Compatibility upgrade, which is availabe from Microsoft by request. Since SP3 + updates you do not need to hack the sqlsrv32.dll anymore... 8)
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • chris_johnsonchris_johnson Member Posts: 22
    I have finally got a successful restore into an sql db. Hoorah! I ended up re-installing Vista (a bit extreme I know but I was feeling dangerous). Putting SQL Server 2005 on first and then just the Navision client and help files did the trick. Thanks all.
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,305
    that's like a last resort type thing, but it usually works like a charm. Glad you were able to fix the problem :mrgreen:
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