5.0 ADCS issue

dashenk23dashenk23 Member Posts: 40
I am new to working with ADCS and we have version 5.0 setup for testing. Our network guru did all the setup for NAS and the Hyperterminal and that is working well. I am having an unusual issue when testing. It seems that if you run an option and an error comes back (say for example "Bin does not exist") that error continues to come back every time you make that selection even when in this example the bin does exist. I had tried to test further by changing the error in the code that gets sent back in this scenerio and still received the old error... Its seems that the xml information that is being sent back and forth is not updating properly. Since this is so new to me I was looking for suggestions on what the issue could be, if it could be something in regards to the setup and the way Navision is "talking" to the Hyperterminal, or if it is more likely a bug to go to MBS on...

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
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