Purchase Invoice Discount Value in percentage

amphysvenaamphysvena Member Posts: 113
In Purchase Order form, if we push F9 (Purchase Statistic), we can input the Invoice discount amount.
The question is, how to input the invoice discount in percentage?
Because there is option -'%' in the Invoice Discount Calculation field in Purchase Header.



  • modricmodric Member Posts: 42
    Purchases (and Sales) Invoice Discounts are intended to use a little bit differently...

    In PO Statistics form you can directly enter an Amount, not %. But, if required setup is done, NAV will calculate this Amt for you.

    PI Discounts are used mostly as volume discounts, therefore a sample setup might look like this - If Total Amt > 100, a 5% discount is given automatically, if it reaches 500 - 8% and so on. Then, upon filling in your PI lines, the right % is chosen (to recalculate, there is Functions/Calc.Inv.Discount)

    Direct entry of Discount Amount will override calculated Amt (if any), so you can round up Invoice of amt=12345.68 to nice looking 11999.95 easily not bothering about how much % it will be :)

    Of course, you can do some mods to enter % value, but all of the above is standard and maybe there's no need to spend time & money for modifications... just do things a little differently.
    Modris Ivans
    MCP, Dynamics NAV - Application
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