
Blank 1st page on report generation

chris_johnsonchris_johnson Member Posts: 22
edited 2003-10-23 in Navision Financials
Hopefully someone can help...

I have created a single page report with a single Integer dataitem. The problem comes when generating the report. It produces a two page report, the first page with just a header (telling me the page is page 2?!?) and the header and report body on the second page (which it says is page 3).

I have played around with the PrintOnEveryPage and the KeepWithNext but with no joy. Any ideas?


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    SbhatSbhat Member Posts: 301

    This would happen if your body of the report is spread more than 45 lines, try to push the text boxes as close as possible upwards and it should be fine, even i have noticed this when you use the Integer as Dataitem.

    Best regards
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    chris_johnsonchris_johnson Member Posts: 22
    Cheers for that, thanks to you I can keep the rest of my hair on my head instead of tearing it out.
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    eromeineromein Member Posts: 589

    Was this indeed the solution to your problem? Course it really sound like you have to do with a little Navision (<3.70) bug which can be solved by the use of two integer loops.

    But this bug only occurs when using the "NewPage per Record" property.
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    chris_johnsonchris_johnson Member Posts: 22
    It was indeed the problem. I split the report over 2 integer dataitems instead of just the one and the report works fine (we are running quite an old version of Navision itself).
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