Save base Navision 3.60

medTUNmedTUN Member Posts: 9
edited 2003-10-29 in Navision Attain
I need to save the navision base automatically (i.e. planified task). But I can't arrive to determinate the name of process then he makes the save.
I need also to print code a barre but what's police choose it.
karray mohamed
teleph. : +216 71 88 71 95
mobile : +216 98 66 08 33


  • Jeff_FierceJeff_Fierce Member Posts: 32
    I try it with a software called "girder" but i am not successful in capturing the log in window. I can let girder type the user name but it fails in sending the Return key.

    The name of the window is "anmelden" but i cannot determine its event handler or child class or whatever.
  • eromeineromein Member Posts: 589
    I didn't fully understand the question... but if you mean you want to back-up a Navision database automatically you could try the HOTCOPY command. It's new and it's hot! Check the Navision help file for further information about this functioanlity.
    "Real programmers don't comment their code.
    If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
  • Jeff_FierceJeff_Fierce Member Posts: 32
    My 3.10 installation does not feature hotcopy.
  • eromeineromein Member Posts: 589

    Maybe a bat file with the copy command in it, called just before your back-up starts.

    This should work 100%, but somehow I get the feeling this is not the answer to the question. :?
    "Real programmers don't comment their code.
    If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
  • Jeff_FierceJeff_Fierce Member Posts: 32
    Me too.

    I think he wants to do it like i would - automate the manual process of open Attain, log in, extras, make backup, choose path, ok.

    I've tried it with girder but cannot capture the log in window and i think he also could not.

    The manual way makes *.fbk backups which are way smaller than the fdb database. A batch is a good suggestion if you have enough space for a lot of gigs.
  • medTUNmedTUN Member Posts: 9
    I need do buckup to the navision base automatically (for example buckup daily at 8 pm ).
    I need also to print code a barre but what's police choose it.
    Thinks,i want essencualy
    karray mohamed
    teleph. : +216 71 88 71 95
    mobile : +216 98 66 08 33
  • SbhatSbhat Member Posts: 301

    If you are looking to do a backup automatically at a certain time, you must then buy the Expand IT backup utility which would do it for you.

    Best regards
  • eromeineromein Member Posts: 589

    Please explain what you mean by:

    navision base
    code a barre

    And the rest of your post :wink:
    "Real programmers don't comment their code.
    If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
  • medTUNmedTUN Member Posts: 9
    I need automate the manual process make backup because *.fbk backups which are way smaller than the fdb database.
    want to also print the bar code but I do not arrive at knowing which police force I must put it.
    karray mohamed
    teleph. : +216 71 88 71 95
    mobile : +216 98 66 08 33
  • eromeineromein Member Posts: 589
    Ooooh ok,

    making a fully automatic back-up can be done with a macro program, as Jeff Fierce wrote earlier, I used "macro magic". I'm sure it can be done with that program, only thing... can't find it on the internet anymore.

    But please note, making a back-up using "normal" back-up software which runs on a server is MUCH more save. If I was you I would buy an extra harddisk and extra big tape and back-up it to tape and make a copy of the database to this extra disk.

    Better save then sorry!

    And the other thing you want to know...

    Why in heavens name would you like to "put" a barcode at a police force? I don't think the scanners the police uses are the ones you use to scan barcodes :wink:
    "Real programmers don't comment their code.
    If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
  • Jeff_FierceJeff_Fierce Member Posts: 32
    So I have a extra hd, an array and a tape and i am brave in making redundant backups.

    For everyday use it would still be nice to have the additional fbk-backup for those neat guys who delete the country table by chance.

    I think i would use a rotating cd-rw scheme. Do you have "marco magic" still running, eromein? Other people out there who have successfully used a macro-recorder on Attain 3.X?

    May it be that medTUN means "policy"?
  • eromeineromein Member Posts: 589
    Nope, don't have it running anymore. And can't find it on the internet anymore... But then again, i didn't really searched that well.

    If you do delete the coutry table, it much faster to export and import this table from the full database back-up. And you can copy and paste all records too. Much, much, much faster if you would ask me....

    I'm sure he means policy. But why put a word like "Force" behind it then? Makes its a lot more unclear.
    want to also print the bar code but I do not arrive at knowing which police force I must put it.
    "Real programmers don't comment their code.
    If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
  • Jeff_FierceJeff_Fierce Member Posts: 32
    Seems like we will never know.

    No damn macro recorder is able to catch the Navision Attain login window.
  • eromeineromein Member Posts: 589
    Macro magic can.... but it seems to have disappeared.
    "Real programmers don't comment their code.
    If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
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