Problem with viewing Sales Orders

matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
Interesting problem we are having here.

When we open the sales order form it opens as expected. There are no filters set as far as I can tell. No table filters, no flow filters. I added a debug button that I could click at any time that shows the filters on the record and it always comes up blank (since I'm super I believe I should be able to see them all, even if filter groups were used.)

The problem occurs when I move to the next record. It goes to the last record in the table and then makes it so that it is the only one that can be viewed. When I try to scroll through them I can only view that last record or an "untitled" one. Once again, if I click my filters button, it shows that none are set.

Another thing that is puzzling is that when I click on the Order --> List button, which is just set to go to the LookupTable, it shows all of the orders. I can select it and go to it. But then if I scroll through again the problem returns. If there were any filters on the Sales Order they should have carried over to the Sales Order List. I checked onOpenForm for the list and nothing was being set.

Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.


  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    The first (& Easiest) thing I would try first would be rename the zup file or move it to another directory. Then try Nav with a newly created zup. If that's not the problem you can always bring the orig zup file back. thru process elimination you should be able to narrow down the problem.

    r u using 4 SP3?
  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    Forgot to include that. We tried to delete the zup file but had no results.

    We are on 3.7.A
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    I guess then you've also checked the Onopen of the Sales Order not just the list form?. :-k

    So you can get to the other orders by clicking on the list and clicking on the proper order? But once you goto the next order it won't let you go back?

    Is this every computer or just one that is acting funny?
    Is this a recent development or has Nav always behaved this way for you?
  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    It is on every computer and is a recent development after a mod I did. The mod did not involve removing any code or setting any filters, though. It made fields that were required but not filled in turn red upon release and throw an error message. I have looked at the code I added and there is nothing that I added that should have this effect.

    And yes, I have checked onOpenForm on both forms, the order and the order list. The onOpenForm for the order does set filters, but even if I comment them out I still have the problem.
  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    Problem solved.

    I had added code to the OnFindRecord trigger. This way if someone had released an order and the fields had been marked in red, when they went to a new order the fields would revert back to white. I thought the effect of this would be like adding code to the insert or modify triggers (the code is executed and then the actual insert happens). So I thought my code would run and then it would find the next record. Not the case. It acts more like the onLookup trigger where even a comment in it overrides the default behavior.


    Thanks for all of your help.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    try this for should pop a message & bring you back to the field in question.

    If "Salesperson Code" = ''
    CurrForm."Salesperson Code".ACTIVATE;

    Where Text001 is : Salesperson Code is missing on Order %1

    Also Set the property "Not Blank"
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