Regarding Sales Tax in LS-Retail

gdkve9gdkve9 Member Posts: 161
Hi guys..

I just wanted to know whether is posssible to recalculate the Sales Tax manually once after the transactions are completed on the LS-Retail POS???? This is because unknowingly the Sale transactions have happened with some Price Rounding Amount (here it is 1.00) but actually that is supposed to be 0.1. Now I want to recalculate the Tax amount for all the happened Sale Transactions with new Price Rounding Amount..

I am a technical background guy n it seems little complex for me in understanding all the Tax related issues..

I am finding the problem from CODEUNIT Indian Sales Tax Calculate..

IF TaxAmount <> DesiredTaxAmount THEN
Text002 +
Text003 +
Text004 +
TaxAreaCode,GenJnlLine.FIELDNAME("Tax Area Code"),
TaxGroupCode,GenJnlLine.FIELDNAME("Tax Group Code"),

The error message for the above code is like this:
"The sales tax amount for the VAT Tax Area Code and the XXXXX Tax Group Code is incorrect. Activate the G/L Setup in the window or manually recculate the sales tax."

Here the TAXAMOUNT and DESIREDTAXAMOUNT are not equal.I think since rounding was incorrect on the Price Amount Rounding I am finding this error. Now I want to change the Price Amount Rounding value and recalculate the Sales tax on the happened sale transactions..

IS IT POSSIBLE?? [-o< [-o<

All postings regarding the Sales Tax are greatly appretiated..

Thanks n regards in advance..
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