Error in Inventory-WIP Report (5802)

jeffb_r4jeffb_r4 Member Posts: 34
I am running this report which has two columns, "As of (Date)" and "Cost Posted to G/L.
These two amounts are the same for the majority of work orders, but are significantly different for a few. In comparing the ones that are different, it looks like the report is just not including some entries in the "output" column. These entries are clearly there, when I look at the value entries table.
Has anyone else encountered this problem? Is there an explanation and/or solution?


  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    Looks like the only time entries are skipped is when the following code is executed:

    IsNotWIP() : Boolean
    WITH "Value Entry" DO
      IF "Item Ledger Entry Type" = "Item Ledger Entry Type"::Output THEN
        EXIT("Entry Type" <> "Entry Type"::"Direct Cost")
        EXIT("Expected Cost");
    Value Entry - OnAfterGetRecord()

    Check the entries and make sure they should be included.
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