Editable Option

qkambaleqkambale Member Posts: 37
Hi all,

I have created a Journal from which I pick an option(A) from one of the fields.Once I do this an Amount field is populated,I again have to specify where I am posting it by use of another option(B) field.
Is it really possible that once I specify the option(B)I then cannot change the Amount field that has been populated?
Remember that it is a journal and I cannot make the Amount field Un-editable through the properties.

If there is anyone who has come across such a situation and was able to solve it,PLEASE [-o< let me know............



  • philippegirodphilippegirod Member Posts: 191
    Try this in the column you want to make uneditable :

    Amount - OnFormat(VAR Text : Text[1024];)
    IF Option(B) = Option(B)::"My Option" THEN
       CurrForm."Amount".EDITABLE := FALSE
       CurrForm."Amount".EDITABLE := TRUE;
    My candle burns by both ends, it will not last the night,
    But oh my foes and oh my friends, it gives a lovely light
  • qkambaleqkambale Member Posts: 37

    It's Working!! \:D/ \:D/ \:D/
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