I'm trying to user an hyperlink to open a form in the MenuSuite, this is the txt I've imported:
OBJECT MenuSuite 90 Company
Version List=;
{ ;[{D4407D08-C780-43D3-AA50-A065110A1332}] ;NextNodeID=[{EE8B64EB-8009-43AC-A0C5-96CE114143C5}] }
{ MenuItem ;[{EE8B64EB-8009-43AC-A0C5-96CE114143C5}] ;Name=My Sales Order;
CaptionML=ENG=My Sales Order;
ShortcutURL=navision:/ /client/run?target=Form%42;
The problem is that when I import this object, compile it and try to run the MenuSuite, the database crashes and can't be opened again.
Anyone knows why this is happening?
Since the txt states that the link is just to open form 42, then why don't you create it by hand (by designing the menusuite)?
I cannot remove the navision:/ / , once the menusuite is imported, it cannot be open or edited, Navision closes and it's impossible to open the database again..
Has someone done this successfully? (Using an hyperlink in a menusuite)
An idea is to open the database without opening a company and opening Object designer and importing an old menu suit object 90 that doesn't have that specific link, or deleting the menusuite 90 object...
Then open a company of that database and it might open just fine...
As for the hyperlink, I "Copy Link" from a form, went to the Sortcuts menu, right click, "Create Shortcut", pasted the link (with [url=navision://..]navision://..[/url].) entered a caption and it works just fine... But this is from the shortcuts, not the menu itself...
I created a codeunit and pasted the copied link in parts (because one line of code is smaller that the characters included in the copied link): in the OnRun trigger and created a menu item that runs that codeunit and the form opened just fine... Maybe that way is how you could do it...
When ManuSuite is opend in designer, there is no code.
Please help
I have a customer form, and I need to set some filters on it. It should show passive and active customers.
I sholud have 2 menu items for the customer form in the MenuSuite.
I have added 2 menu items to MenuSuite.(same form 21 Customercard)
I have added a varible to my form (active bool);
My OnHyperlink Trigger looks like this
I have exported Menusuite to text file and added line of code Imported the text file with changes back to navision, tried to change / / to //, but can not find where to do it. This is maybe not important because the object gets compiled.
The MenuSuite object gets compiled, and I can run MenuSuite, but both forms still show the same info.
Did I miss a point with forms, filters and MenuSuite?
Please help me
When I open form from the hyperlinks I get the same result. Only active customers, no matter which hyperlink I use.
I am still stuck with this, can anybody help.
I thougth that this would be easy, but it isn't.
Cannot se what I am doing wrong:(