
RChurchillRChurchill Member Posts: 55

We have a customer on 3.70 and they have RightFax installed. They fax their purchase orders by creating a PDF document via Amyuni PDF Convertor and then sending it as an attachment in an email via Outlook. The To: field has [fax:12345@12345] where 12345 is the fax number.

This works fine but their network administrator has sent the following:-

We occasionally get an issue with the RightFax Connector that sits on Exchange box, basically it says that everything is rosy in the garden and the service is running, but the it is lying.
Users, bless them, send PO’s and anything else for faxing from Outlook, some use fax util but not for everything.
The process is Navision-Outlook-FaxUtil-Rightfax, if it hits the last stage and the fax is sent (or fails) an email is sent back to the user.
However, Outlook-Faxutil will not happen if the Connector is not working and unless the user notices he has not received a successful send the fax will never go out. Quite remarkably, if the Connector kicks back in to life, depending on the period it’s been down, Outlook doesn’t bother sending them on.

He then goes on to ask if we can make it bypass Outlook and fax it straight out?

Is this easy to do and how would we go about doing it?

Thanks in advance


  • flfl Member Posts: 184
    If I understood correctly, you want to send faxes directly without using outlook. Yes this can (I do this already for several years) with a separate smtp component. See downloads on this site. In version 5, Navision even did use such a smtp component to send mails instead of using integration with outlook. You could look there (allready a few times mentioned here on the site) how it is done.

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