How do I lunch the miniform on handheld device

debby_boxdebby_box Member Posts: 13
Hi all,

I'm currently working on ADCS, I've already installed all component as instructed by the manual, I started the four services:

database Server
Navision Communication
VT100 Plugin

Then used Hyperterminal to test my connection and it showed me connected but I dint get any Login screen, the screen is just blank.

Please, I will appreciate it if someone can help me out.

More so, I have connected the Handheld to the system and the two has seen each other.. I even used terminal service client to connect from the handheld to the system and it connected. My question is, how do I lunch navision to show me the miniforms knwing fully that if I use terminal service client and then lunch navision, it will show the full application.

Please someone help me out.


  • ovicashovicash Member Posts: 141
    Do you have some miniforms defined?
    Start the NAS in debuger mode and see where it stops. Do you have some errors in event viewer?

    Best Regards
  • debby_boxdebby_box Member Posts: 13
    Thanks for the response.

    I''m using the miniforms on Cronus database just for a test. I dont know how to start the NAS in debugging mode.. please help me out.
  • ovicashovicash Member Posts: 141
    debby_box wrote:
    Thanks for the response.

    I''m using the miniforms on Cronus database just for a test. I dont know how to start the NAS in debugging mode.. please help me out.

    nas debug, startupparameter="test",servername="test2"

    Best Regards
  • debby_boxdebby_box Member Posts: 13

    Thanks for the help on how to start the service in debugging mode. I did it ans it started well. It listed out all the parameter that I gave it and no error was given. I tried connectiing with the hyperterminal again and it still gave me the same thing.

    ""Connected - without a Login screen""

  • PoltergeistPoltergeist Member Posts: 200 ... highlight=
    The NAS needs to be installed with a local or domain account (preferably domain, so the database can be moved to another server). This user has to be added to the Navision Database's Windows logon. So you need to change the account the NAS service uses from localacount to domain\user (and this user has to have sufficient rights to run a service). Check if the NAS is connected to the server by looking in file->database->info. The NAS user should always be in the sessionlist.
  • debby_boxdebby_box Member Posts: 13
    Thanks all for the support.

    I've been able to see the welcome screen on the hyperterminal.

    Now I have an Intermec Device, How will I connect it to navision just as the hyperlink was connected.

    The software on the handheld is terminal client and that will just work like remote desktop which is not what I want to achieve. My aim is to make the miniform appear on the handheld device.

    Which software do I use for this and where do I download it.

    Please eveybody come to my rescue. :(

    Thanking you in anticipation.
  • PoltergeistPoltergeist Member Posts: 200
    If the software on the handheld is only an RDP client, you're out of luck. I would simply suggest to make some forms for that terminal then. If there is some OS on it, and you have to start the RDP client manually, you might be able to get some telnet software on it - which is usually standard on such a device.

    But without the exact specs it's hard to say what the possibilities are
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