problem inserting in General journal line table

leon1983leon1983 Member Posts: 20
Hi I'm new to navision

I must import XML files to navision, I am setting up an XML port.

When I run the XML port, it creates a batch in general journal batch table, template name "PURCH", batch name "Compello", that works fine... I see the 'compello' batch appear in my purchase table.

Now I want to insert a new line in the 'Compello' batch. When I set up the XML port to insert in the General journal line table, it asks me for the template name (I indicate PURCH as previously) but it doesn't ask me for the batch name. So when I try to use the port I get

'The general journal batch doesnt exist. Identification name and values: Journal template name ='PURCH',Name='' '

How do I precise which batch to use when inserting in the general journal line table? I don't see the field.

thanks for your help :)


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