item define in item card

austinaustin Member Posts: 191

i am facing a problem how to define a item in item card.
Ex: item - CHAIR This chair has lot of descriptions.

1. Size(different sizes)
2. colour(different colours)
3.type( type means .......plant, flat, round, lean,bend, that)

for ex ample if u take priority size 3.12*1.24 with this size that chair has 25 different colours and 23 different types.
like this if take priority colour BLUE with this colour u have 14 differnt sizes and 20 different types.
like this if take priority type PLANT with this type u have 28 different colours and 19 different sizes

So i am not able diefine this item. To which i should give priority that means size ,colour, type.

If any body knows about this issue, then tell how to define SIZE, COLOUR, TYPE for that item CHAIR. In item card u didnot this type fields in navision.which fields i have to add in item card.On which basis i have to define item.What is the hirarchy to define this item is it name of item or size or colour or type.
please anybody help on this issue.



  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    Have you looked into ITEM VARIENTS?

    use Nav help (f1) to read up on Varients and see if that fits your needs.
  • srikanta_swamysrikanta_swamy Member Posts: 2
    Dear Friend,

    This can be achieved vide "Item variants". Which is available in Item Card ==>Item (Bottom Botton) ==> Variants.

    And also you can get Inventory based on Variants.

    Hope this will help you.

    Functional Consultant
  • austinaustin Member Posts: 191

    Thanks for u r help. But in item variant u can deifne only colour. then what about size, type. where can u define size, type of that item.

    If u know how to define , please provide one example with take that item CHAIR.
    I hope u can provide solution with example
    thanks and regards
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    i would think different size & types are also different prices & costs. Then you will create different item numbers.
  • austinaustin Member Posts: 191
    Hi savatage,

    First would tell how to define item in item card . i dont know i have that fields size and type in item card.
    If u dont mind provide one wxample with one iem
    Take this below example :-

    Item name : chair
    size :1.21*2.34
    clour :green
    type :bendy

    how can i fill these fill fields in item card. Just i know about variant field. with that u can fill clour.
    what about remaining fields.
    Take above examle and provide solution what are the fields u have in navisin to fill this requirement example with example.
    Thanks and regards
  • pranav.2204pranav.2204 Member Posts: 45
    according to me.. u have two options:
    1. either u define item for all possible combinations
    2. use variants
    if u going for 1... then database size will be heavy.. and it will be error prone
    option 2 is optimum. u can define variants.
    however, in case of variants, basic property like posting group should be same. but with item variants, u can use bom variants. concentrate on bom variants also... u will get ur solution..
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