Drop Shipment - prevent Purch Inv posting

MulyantiMulyanti Member Posts: 9
Hi all,

I'm planning on using Drop shipment system.

I create Sales Order Drop shipment.
Then I Create Purchase Order, and use function Drop Shipment - Get Sales Order. Then system will copy SO data to my PO.

Then I receipt the PO partially, assume there's 2 PO receipt.
After I make the 1st receipt, then I make 1st Purch. Invoice.
Navision will protect this Purch. Invoice to be posted, its message says that I must post the SO first.

1. I want to ask, why did Navision protect Purch. Invoice to be posted ?

2. I check on Codeunit 90, and I by pass the code, so that the Purch Invoice can be posted. Did anyone know, what is the effect for bypassing the code ?

Thank you verymuch...


  • AdamRoueAdamRoue Member Posts: 1,283
    The theory is that you cannot except the liability from your vendor until you have passed it onto the customer - it protects you from a processing perspective. Once the sales order is invoiced you can process the purchase invoice. It is telling you that the customer has the goods but you have not invoiced them yet - why?
    The art of teaching is clarity and the art of learning is to listen
  • brilliant_greenbrilliant_green Member Posts: 1
    I see... that's the reason..

    Actually we want to post the purchase invoice first, because the vendor itself is the parent company, so they don't worry about acknowledge the Purchase first before Sales is posted.

    thanks for the answer...
  • idiotidiot Member Posts: 651
    AdamRoue wrote:
    The theory is that you cannot except the liability from your vendor until you have passed it onto the customer - it protects you from a processing perspective. Once the sales order is invoiced you can process the purchase invoice. It is telling you that the customer has the goods but you have not invoiced them yet - why?

    Sorry to hijack this thread but where can we obtain Navision theory in the way you have just described? Or is there a white paper on the assumptions made by Navision on the particular function?
    This is a very helpful explanation which is easily understood by everyone rather than the help file or F1.

    There are many "explanations" as to why a certain function works in that way & sometimes even the consultants can only answer "that's how Navision works".
    NAV - Norton Anti Virus

    ERP Consultant (not just Navision) & Navision challenger
  • AdamRoueAdamRoue Member Posts: 1,283
    Sorry I cannot tell you the answer to this. I am not sure if this is my interpretation of the system after many years and Microsoft training or if I did actually read it in a training manual or white paper. What I will say though is there will not be one document listing all of these processing assumptions!!
    The art of teaching is clarity and the art of learning is to listen
  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    You can find more information in detail in the Trade & Inventory course.

    This feature is in place so you don't forget to invoice your customer after you receive the invoice from the vendor. It's just "best practice".
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