purchase invoice details in sales invoice

ameenameen Member Posts: 217
Hello experts,

in a sales invoice u get only customer details and item details generally.
But we need to have Purchase order details in a sales invoice .
That means in a sales invoice we want details like this way.
example :-
we create a purchase invoice on 5/17/07.
now i am creating a sales invoice on 6/28/07 from that purchase invoice.
so above part of report fill with customer , item information, and down prt of report has to vendor information item information.in purchase invoice u have only one item . u didnot have 2 or more items.
But one item with lot numbers.

Exampleof purchase invoice:

U know about vendor information.
in the case of purchase line
item lotno qty UOM rate

A 123 2.34 Kg 5

A 4235 2.67 KG 5

A 654 1.67 KG 5

li ke above if i have 3 same items in purchase invoice u need to get sum of total qty has to come in sales invoice report( only quantity is enough)

So give me solution how to solve this problem .
how to get these purchase invoice details in sales invoice report.
What code we have to write and where it should it write.
thanks and regards
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