Tracking Shipment No.

aman_mbsaman_mbs Member Posts: 158
Dear All,
How can we get the Shipment No. For the Item that has been Invoiced..?
There is one field Named "Shipment No." in Sales Invoice Line Table but it is not carrying the shipment No.
Aman Kumar Gupta


  • ArhontisArhontis Member Posts: 667
    You could go through the posted entries:

    Invoice line -> Value Entry (with filter on Posting Date and Document no.) -> Item Ledger Entry (by the field "Item Ledger Entry No." of each value entry) and you have it...

    Sometimes an invoice has invoiced more than one shipments, so that way (by looping through the value entries of your document) you can get all the shipments of the invoice.
  • aman_mbsaman_mbs Member Posts: 158
    According to u i am Still not able to trace against which invoice no. i have that particular shipment No.

    Aman Kumar Gupta
  • ArhontisArhontis Member Posts: 667
    Maybe I didn't make it clear.

    * Filter the value entries with the document no. and the posting date of the Invoice Line. (maybe with the item no. too of the invoice line you want)
    * Use the field Item Ledger Entry no. of the value entry that you find to get the corresponding Item Ledger Entry.
    * Having the Item Ledger Entries you have the shipment no. through the Document No. of these entries.

    - Item Ledger Entries are created with the shipments.
    - Value entries are created from invoices.
    - When you ship and invoice then you create a shipment and an invoice at the same time...

    I hope it is more clear now...

    In case this is not what you want, then I don't understand, and you should explain what you want a little more...
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