Filter form according to menusuite.

skynetskynet Member Posts: 5
I have to add a reference to the same form in different folders of a menusuite.
For example I have a folder Web in which I have a link to Invoices and an other folder Intern in which I have a link to Invoices too.
Of course I have to filter the form according to the item in the menusuite.
Is there a way to do this or should I add a form to choose the filter ?

Thanks for your help.


  • HalMdyHalMdy Member Posts: 429
    No, no ways .

    You have to :

    - create a copy of the form with appropriate filter


    - as you suggest, a form to ask the filter to apply
  • skynetskynet Member Posts: 5
    Thanks for your quick help, at least, it's clear.
  • MTCMTC Member Posts: 159
    You can invoke forms from the menusuite using a URL, and in that URL you can embedd parameters. Running a form in this way invokes the OnHyperlink trigger of the form and passes the URL. Inside here you can parse the URL data and then set a filter depending upon what the URL parameters are.

    So, yes, it can be done.

    I'm using this technique in my example of how to communicate between forms. It's in the tricks and tips forum in a thread called something like "Form Communication Mechanism Questions".
  • skynetskynet Member Posts: 5
    Thanks a lot for your solution ! :D
    I pass the form and the filter in the URL and it works perfectly.
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