Save an Email sent by MAPI Handler to a specific Folder

KyleaKylea Member Posts: 39

I am doubtful as to whether this can be done within Navision....but had to ask just to make sure I had exhausted all possibilities. I would love someone to prove me wrong.

We have written a change management system. As the change moves through Dev, Test & Live an email is sent to the requesting user using MAPI Handler to inform them of the status. When we send the email we would also like to copy the email to a folder for the change request.

Essentially when we create a change request a folder is generated for the the change moves through the phases an email is sent which we would like to capture in the folder - thus creating an audit trail. It is also important to note that when we move to the test phase the email is displayed prior to being sent so we can add in any extra details about what/how to test the change etc.

I had a look at Outlook and setting up rules and it looks like you can only capture things coming into your inbox - and can't vary the folder - in fact the folder had to be within outlook - so that did not look promising. Is there anyway of saving an email once Navision has done the Mapihandler.send.

Perhaps I am expecting too much?

Any suggestions are most welcome.


Kylea White
Senior Developer

Great Southern Plantations


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    What I did for a client was, I created a table with Entry No. as PK. Added from, to, title, body (blob), Attachment (Blob).

    Before In function send, I wrote a record into that table.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • knowledgeknowledge Member Posts: 1
    Hi Kylea,

    The other options that you might want to consider

    - Tweak the mail logic to channel the email information to a txt file and dump it into the desired folder.

    - Send a email to the same/other email account and use outlook to manage the audit trail. Rules can be applied and even trigger other options.
    I have seen scripts that can either save or extract email information into a specified folder.
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