Usage of Item Application Entry table

smkolsoftsmkolsoft Member Posts: 53
Dear All
We are using average costing method . We have set "Average Cost Calculation type as "Item".

Under this scenario how "Item Application Entry table " is used in the "Adjust Cost Item Entries" batch job ?

To be more precise if my "Item Appliaction entry table" is not consistent
how will it affect the "Adjust Cost Item Entries" job.

Thanks to All


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    Item application entry is not used for average costing.
    It is only used to apply quantity.
    Costing is all date driven in average costing.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • smkolsoftsmkolsoft Member Posts: 53
    Many thanks ara3n.
    But i have one concern if u look at the Adjust Cost item entries batch job
    it exits if "Item application entry" table is empty.
    I am not saying that my Item application entry table will be blank.
    But i am doing replication of posted entries between several navision db.
    I have ensured that ILE and VE are OK.
    Only some Item application entries cannot be replicated .

    That was my concern.
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    My guess you are using LS Retail or something manually.

    The way LS Retail implemented replication of Ledgers is that you can nassigned Head office to start 1 billion "entry no." for the ledger entries. The rest of the stores get their own area in entry no.

    That way when you replicate the ledgers there is no overlap.

    I would not suggest renumbering them or something. This will end in really bad costing situation.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • smkolsoftsmkolsoft Member Posts: 53
    Ur guess is absolutely correct =D> .
    Im using LS Retail. Ur right we have something called Initail Entry No for every Location.
    But that does'nt solve the problem. I will explain..
    I have mutiple stores where I receive goods .Replicate ILe,VE and IAE to HO. At HO I create Invoices. There is Store to Store transfer through HO also. HO may also purchase for a Store and transfer it to Store.
    Thus ILE ,VE and IAE will move between stores and also HO.

    Say in Store1 VE starts with Entry No. 100000
    and in HO VE starts with say 90000000.
    Say I have made a purchase for Store1 at HO and replicate the ILE and VE,IAE from HO to store for posted Purch Rcpt document.
    SO there will be a VE in Store1 db with entry No 90000000.
    The next Receipt at store1 will generate a VE 90000001.
    Which when replicated to HO might overwrite a VE which HO may hv creatd in the meantime for say another store.

    This is where i am stuck.I changed codeunit22 to generate Entry No for all of thses tables and it's working fine.
    The problem is I cannot replicate IAE entries.....which gave rise to this tconcern of costing ...
    Thanks for ur answer....
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    i would rather do negative adjustment at one store and positive adjustment at the other store. Add reason code to keep track of which location it's going. etc.
    This is a lot simpler than transfer.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

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