[SOLVE]Select Line No.and Update field Doc. Line No.OnHeader

klumklum Member Posts: 102
Hi All,

I am working on Nav4.0SP3. I have customized form like a purchase form that there is Header and Line. But on the header i created a new field called "Document Line No." for get value line no. from subform when user select at any current line.

How can I select the current line and get the "line no." value to "Document Line No." field on the header??? :oops:

Best Regards,


  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    if you have to click on the specific line anyway and have that value on the header - why not just "show" the line number on the line?

    then the user will know what line # it is anyway?????
  • klumklum Member Posts: 102
    So I dont' know how to explain but this is the requirement that I have to do... :cry: as they(consultants) WANT!!!!!

    Best Regards,
  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    Rather then have it in the header, have it in the body detail subform

    so on your po, make the subform a little larger and put the field above were the detail lines are. it will look like it is in the header but will actually be in the subform. then it is just a normal field in the subform Line no.

    hope this make since
  • klumklum Member Posts: 102
    Thanks a lot for every suggestion :) Now I've got idea from themave. I just make a form list from subform to lookup so they can select easily the line no. that filter by document type and document no. and my consultants be happy about this too :lol:

    I put my code at field "Document Line No.-OnLookup"
    IF "Document No." <> '' THEN BEGIN
      PurchLine.SETRANGE("Document Type","Purch. Doc. Type");
      PurchLine.SETRANGE("Document No.","Document No.");
      IF FORM.RUNMODAL(FORM::"Adv. Item Charge Line List",PurchLine) = ACTION::LookupOK THEN
        "Document Line." := PurchLine."Line No.";

    Best Regards,
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