Does anyone know if there is a way to print out Sales documents in Microsoft Word from within Navision? I would like the print functionality of Navision to export a document or text file that can be opened in Word. Ideally, I would like to import the document into Microsoft Word and be able to edit the document within Word.
Have you tried saving the Document Reports from Navision as HTML and then opening them with Word?
It's the most simple way and it could prove useful enough.
You could use Automation to create a Word document, but this requires a little work.
All our exporting is into PDF's.
We use pdf995 when we want to print a sales order/invoice/PO/etc.
It creates a perfect PDF that can be edited by adobe acrobat if necessary.
PDF's are great for us - i mean who doesn't have the free acrobat reader & pdf995 is free too. Just a few bucks if you want to kill the ad's.
We use PDF's also because we don't want anyone else to modify a bill.
We also use the pdf995edit which has a nice feature that once something is printed using pdf995 it automatically opens my email and makes it an attachment. all I have to do is type who it's going to.
I know it's not fully automatic this method, but it's a start for us and it's been working well.
let me know.
If you have some sample code, that would be great. You can either post it here or email it to me at
Hark Dhunay
I have a customer who wants the same thing than Hd.
So if Ajayjain or Hd can email me the code, it would be great. You can post it to
Can anyone tell me if its possible to delete a row of a table writing code in Navision. I'm exporting a report to a word document and i have to choose one of three options.
When i choose one of them i want to delete a row in a table.
You could try something like: which deletes the second line of the first table in your word document.
This allows us to run the report without an error message but it means that there are 2 unwanted pages breaks and page numbers can't be added. It also means that it is difficult to turn the whole thing into one PDF file.
Would using this method to send the information to Work allow us to have all of the information in one document so that these problems could be corrected?
Writing into thes files works but if i go to print it the fields will be overritten by the standardtext. Can some body help me ?
I have tried the Code that Christian Had Given But at the Compilation it is
throwing an error like:'The Variable WRDAPP::MAILMERGEDATASOURCEVARIABLE is defined more than once.'
Could U please Resolve this and give me the Solution.
Matriks Doc does all this stuff out of the box: .
They allow saving documents in Navision and attach them to various master records and/or documents (if documents I think they get copied to the posted documents as well).
You can define Office templates so when you create from Navision from a Customer say a Word document then it will drop all the fields you put in the template such as say Customer Contact Name and address.
I know it is cool to try doing it yourself but this is a pretty cheap software.
Because customers wanted headers and lines together in Word we extended Matriks with subtables....
After this we created ReportX. See my signature for more information.
Didn't you give this advice recently somewhere else?
You know advice is free but software costs.
Matriks Doc is a software for sale so if you want it then you need to contact their sales department and buy it.
But Unfortunately it did't work for this case.
If any other way to do Compilation with out getting the error
'The Variable W::MAILMERGEDATASOUREVALIDATE is defined more than once.'
Try to help out
Don't know if you have solved the issue, but if you declare the automation server as a locale variable instead of a globale then you wouldn't get the error.
The problem is, that if you define it as a Global variable then you have det possibility of using the Events on the Automation and since Navision only has 30 characters to define a variable then NAV truncates the rest of the Event Name and thereby creating 2 identical variables. If you create the Automation as a local variabel where it is not possible to use the events then the problem doesn't occur.
PS. It doesn't help to Set the property WithEvents to No.
Go to your list & show the columns you want hide the rest.
Filter on the data, if you want.
Select All->Copy
Open Word->paste.
Select All->Table->Convert->Text to Table.
The seperator should be TAB.
probably not necessary in 5, by what I read here & there getting info into MSOffice seems to be pretty easy.
This can be created very simple just by using the same code as in he wordmanagement codeunit.
If you like me to create it for you just show me the type of the doc file of how it will look like and the tables that from which you need to export the data to the word document. \:D/
I can open this word doc's from within navision, but i need to export more word docs from within different items into one big word document, automaticaly.
I also have to insert between this documents a line with information from navision. ](*,)
Can this be done using word automation?
Can anyone give me an example?
Code I use to show one word document at a time