FobView v1.0
FobView is a viewer for Navision object and backup files. It lists the objects contained in these files and by loading two files it is possible to compare the objects in these files.
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In FobView the date above will be presented as: 2001-10-03
I guess this is dependent om how navision (SWE) store it's date?
FobView is a viewer for Navision object and backup files. It lists the objects contained in these files and by loading two files it is possible to compare the objects in these files.
New in Version 1.1: Support for XMLport and MenuSuite objects
Discuss this download here.
I have found a problem when interpreting dates in the FOB file.
I was sent a FOB created by a developer in Lithuania. The regional date format is YY-MM-DD.
The date in the FOB file (opened with Notepad) was 07.02.06.
I am in the UK and our date format is DD-MM-YY.
FobView displayed the date as 2006-02-07.
The date on the imported object is Feb 6th 2007.
So it appears that FobView is interpreting the date according to regional settings on the machine running the program.
Obviously, Navision understands how to interpret the date when importing the FOB.
Is it possible for FobView to do the same?
You can find it here:
It looks and works very much like Michael's program.
It has just been released and is still a beta version, but it works well.
I would appreciate if some of you could test how it works and handles dates and times in your country with your Regional Settings in Windows.