I have a form that uses several tables as variable. This form is used in many computers at the same time, and in any moment gives me the following mistake " it is possible to neither to insert nor modify the table UNDEFINED because this blocked one for the user XXX ". I need to know if there is some way of solving this or possible maximum to avoid it it.
Thank you.
Save all the modifications the user makes in a temp table, when the user is finished write back all changes to the "normal" table at ones.
If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
Thank you.
Temp Tables only exist on the user/Client machine, so the temp table cannot be locked by any other user. So as Emiel has said that when the user finishes at updates the Actual tables, this should cut down on the number of Table locks.
If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."