Requisition Worksheet vs Shipped Return Order Qty

Bodicea_OverallBodicea_Overall Member Posts: 5
edited 2007-07-18 in Navision Attain

I am currently working on a centralised ordering in navision and I am using the requistion worksheet plus various parameters in the SKU Planning tab. All is well and I get the results I expected....however when I come to ship a Return Order instead of the quantity to order increasing by the amount I am returning it increases it twofold!! For example, I have 0 inventory, max inventory level = 50 return order = 5. I am asked to create a new order for 60! If I do the same thing for an unshipped RO then I get 55, which is correct.

I am told that I have to make a change to the standard Navision code which I find very difficult to believe. Has anyone else had the same problem? If so, was the solution to change the code?



  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    this sounds like a bug. What version are in? I'm assuming you are running MRP and it is giving you the req line.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • Bodicea_OverallBodicea_Overall Member Posts: 5

    We are running version 3.7 and not using MRP. We are operating in a retail environment and do not have manufacturing side set up.
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    Then what ever routine that creates the req line needs to be changed and take return orders into account.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • Bodicea_OverallBodicea_Overall Member Posts: 5

    The standard program does take return orders into account as it is recognised as a demand. My problem is that the ro quantity is considered twice when shipped but not when it has just been released.
  • Bodicea_OverallBodicea_Overall Member Posts: 5
    I finally got this sorted. Microsoft have issued a patch for it!!! I applied the patch and it worked. Thanks to everyone who tried to help.
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    that's great news.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

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