Maintain relationships-> DataPerCompany must be

elwin68elwin68 Member Posts: 153
edited 2008-01-31 in SQL General
Our customer has a problem, he has converted a native 3.70 database to sql 2000.
In the native db, the table contact was set open (DataPerCompany=No).
Now he wants to use the function Maintain Relationships (File > Database > Alter > Tab:Intergration).

When using this function the following error occurs:
The Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision Tablerelation properties and Sql server foreign keys have not been synchronised successfully.
The contact table references a table in the TableRelation field property of the Salesperson Code field that does not exists.

One solution is that we set open (DataPerCompany=No) all tables wich are linked to the contact table, but this is not a desired situation.

Is there a solution to handle this problem without opening all tables

Thanks in advance!


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    No it's a bug they have never fixed.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • elwin68elwin68 Member Posts: 153
    Thanks for your answer.
    Now we know we don't have to search for an solution anymore.
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    Well you can contact MS, it's worth a try.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • bjarkimgbjarkimg Member Posts: 1
    Hi I have a similar problem
    (SQL 2005, NAV 4,03)

    The Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision Tablerelation properties and Sql server foreign keys have not been synchronised successfully.
    The ***** table references a table in the TableRelation field property of the **************** field that does not exists.

    Now I am trying to maintain relationships to the SQL.
    I have sucseeded in converting 2 demo databaces(Cronus and a custom made one) , but when I try to do it to a customer db then this error accours for 2 diffret tables,(not the same table in both db's).

    (btw no problem wiht the same fields in the other 2 db's)

    I have tryed to remove the TableRelations and even Delete the tables from NAV and from SQL, and still the Error.
    This is very strange since there shud not be an error if the table is not in the db...

    Also tryed the (DataPerCompany=No) but no effect.

    Im lost, ](*,)

    Any Ideas?

    Thanks in advance
  • RagadarRagadar Member Posts: 1
    Hi All
    I Have a same problem
    Our customer has one database with one company in it (SQL 2000, NAV 3.7)
    Last year more than 100 users start to use this database. Because of this great problems with perfomance and deadlocks have begun.
    The customer wishes to create some different companies in this database for decrease deadlocks in main posting tables like G/L Entry
    But Customer, Vendor, Item and other tables must be the same in all companies.
    When I try to set DataPerCompany=No on SQL i have error:

    --The Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision Tablerelation properties and Sql server foreign keys have not been synchronised successfully.

    After setting DataPerCompany=No in all relation tables the problem has disappeared
    But this is not a desired situation :)

    I have made the same action on Native database only for Customer table and import fob to SQL. Import has passed successfully and the Customer card opens and works.

    But I do not have confidence that there will be no problems in the future.

    Tell me please that it is possible to expect :)

    Thanks a lot.
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