New CFO wants to change Financial Statements as follows:
After Revenue and COGS, for each dept we have expenses (payroll, benefits, T & E, etc.), he wants to include amortization and depreciation for each department.
Then, after all the departments have been shown, he wants to "reverse out" the amortization and depreciation for all departments, get a total, and continue on with other expenses, show some kind of total, then put back the amortization and depreciation for all departments and continue.
Any ideas ? Reversing the sign doesn't help as you probably already know
AP Commerce, Inc. = where I work
Getting Started with Dynamics NAV 2013 Application Development = my book
Implementing Microsoft Dynamics NAV - 3rd Edition = my 2nd book
Total expense w/Amort (on this line - include all the expenses in the formula
Total expense w/o Amort ( on this line - in the formula include only the range of lines excluding Amort/Depr. line) (by not including this line in later formulas below, it will just appear as an informaitonal line. which is what it sounds like you want.
then continue on, when you get to your bottom line, the formula should include the Total rev line, the total COGS line, and the Total Expense with Amort. line