Hi all,
We are exploring Web Users as a cost-effective solution to external connection to Navision through NAS, but cannot find any useful information on it use or possible application.
We've been told it is dependant on User Portal, which is reported to be going away. Alternatively we've heard that it is not dependant on User Portal, but can be applied for any external app accessing Navision through NAS.
We've heard each Web User requires one Session, thus throwing cost-effectiveness out the window. Alternatively we've heard only ONE Web User is required for any number of external db connections through NAS, and is left up to the 'honour system' to use one Web User per external connection.
Does anyone know the real deal??
Even Before Microsoft acquired Navision, NAS was being given importance by Navision but after Microsoft acquired Navision, i believe nothing much was done to NAS, again from reliable sources i heard that in coming version Microsoft will be having some kind of tool.
Best regards
New York.
But that's the only case that i can think off that it pays to have user portal. so i guess it will eventually disapear.
Hope it helps