I would like to filter the access to a user, for example at ‘Sales heather’ to quotes and orders. But the ‘Security Filter’ field at the ‘Permissions Form’ is not responding. What other way to limit access to a few records in a table?
Ligia Jesus
- In Roles define witch tables a user can view and security filters
- Using C/SIDE
Nuno Maia
Freelance Dynamics AX
Blog : http://axnmaia.wordpress.com/
Thank you
Ligia Jesus
The users can be assinged to wich warehouse they belongs.
But it is impossible to filter using warehouse employe Table and security filters from roles
The only way to do that is using C/SIDE
In the trigger of opening the Form, see the warehouses wich the user belongs and then filter the warehouse that to that warehouses.
Nuno Maia
Freelance Dynamics AX
Blog : http://axnmaia.wordpress.com/