Crazy Talk

SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
edited 2007-05-07 in General Chat
Microsoft is the clear winner in terms of design, integration, and price - just about every service in Microsoft's package is cheaper than Intuit's. Yet I can't recommend the product.
While it is possible to exchange data between Microsoft Office Accounting and QuickBooks, close to 90 percent of all accountants use Intuit software. So why make trouble? ... /index.htm

If we thought this way back in 2002 - We wouldn't be using Navision. It was very new in the US at the time we jumped on.

It's the same thinking that made us get some Apple's to do our Graphic Designing, because allthe printers use apples. That is slowly changing, thank goodness, I dread turning on that evil MAC!


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