I am trying to log the modifications in Item table and our license does not include Change Log Management. I have checked Change Log Management but I could not exactly understand the way to get the current field and begin a loop between fields.
Is there a simple way to get the current field no.?
First you need to purchase the granule.
Can you give an example? When I tried using fieldref datatype, it gives an error as it could not be initialized.
ItemHistRec."Field ID":=FIELDNO("New Name"); This will give you the fieldno. now use the field name to get the name, and you can create the history of the modifications that you make in the item table.
For any queries you can also visit my blog site: http://msnavarena.blogspot.com/
Thanks, but in this case you have to manually give the field name. I can use FIELDNAME instead of FIELDNO when using the field name as parameter (this is what I am now temporarily using):D
But I want something like this: On the Modify trigger of the item table, get the fieldno modified (without using a parameter like name etc.), find it in the fields table and insert the modification description and the above field name in my change log entry.
Thanks gulamdastagir. This works fine