I was just working in 5.0 (I have one customer live on 5.0 runtime

) and noticed myself still indenting C/AL code line by line when I remembered that you can select a bunch of code in 5.0 and indent with TAB and unindent with SHIFT-TAB.
So, for everyone else who forgot or did not knew anymore. :shock:
It needs time to froget something you are using for many years... :-)
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Mark, I still select text and Press Control Right or Control left in 4.00 to try to indent. I am only just now remembering that the feature is not there any more, just as it comes back.
Now if we can just get back Red Screens (which we almost are getting,) and dbSETGLOBALFILTER then it will be like the good ole days.
(Oh and if we could get back a decent debugger like we had back then also).