Chat messages

AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
edited 2006-03-18 in Download section
Chat messages
A system to send messages to other Navision Financials/Attain users. When you send a message, this is stored in a temporary storage, which is constantly queried by an on-timer trigger in the main menu.

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  • AnonymousAnonymous Guest Posts: 137
    The only that you have to do is put a litle code on the triger OnTime in the main menu and establish a timer interval. It`s so easy. if you want you can e-mail me to mount it.
  • NVuserNVuser Member Posts: 3
    after i insert the file, i try to open the form and table, but i get a message that i have no read permission. Plz help
  • NVuserNVuser Member Posts: 3
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    with a quick look I see that the table & forms are in the 50500 range.

    do you know if you have permission from 50000 to 50099?
  • NVuserNVuser Member Posts: 3
    i think i only have permission to 50000-50099..
    i see the table is 50500 and both forms 50511 and 50512.
    can i change these numbers during the import of these files??
  • ecclecticecclectic Member Posts: 176

    i have imported the objects on Nav 4.0. I set it in the navigation pane. when i log in using "super" i can the form. however when i log in with another id that does not have super i can't see the forms. i've modified the profile all so as to execute the two forms and the table but to no avail.

    driving me up the walls, lol.

    thanks for ur reply
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,116
    Did you put the form somewhere on the menu? And have all users access to that menu?

    Another thing : in 4.0, you don't have the main form anymore, so you can't put a timer in it to check for messages.
    To solve this, I think the best way is:
    -Create a singleinstance codeunit
    -create an Automation variable for 'Navision Timer 1.0'.Timer with property WithEvents=Yes
    -In the OnRun, you put
    This will trigger the ontimer every 10 seconds.
    -In function autTimer::Timer(Milliseconds : Integer) you can put the code
    that should be put in the "Form - OnTimer()"-trigger of the main menu.

    Now you have to automatically run this codeunit each time the user selects a company. This you can do in Codeunit 1.
    In Function "CompanyOpen()" of codeunit 1, put
    CODEUNIT.RUN(CODEUNIT::"My SingleInstance Codeunit");
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • Debbie140Debbie140 Member Posts: 52
    What is the code that should be on the main menu on-timer event?
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