Hello everyone.
My database consists 12 parts, where 1 part = 2 Gb.
So there is not enough free space.
And I want to expand my database.
I have a problem with the database service name.
Now it is next:
servern database=d:\1+d:\2+d:\3+d:\4+d:\5+d:\6+d:\7+d:\8+d:\9+d:\10+d:\11+d:\12
Name = 62K
So if I add one more part the name will be 68K
In this case Navision error accure that the name have to be less then 64K.
That all.
Thank you!!!!
Your maximum database size will be 32 GB i 16 database parts due to the design for 16 bit operation system
If I rename 10, 11 and 12 to a, b, c - I reduce only 3 characters!
It is just one more part - 13 parts = 26 Gb.
ex: 10, 11, and 12 converts to a,b,c,d,e and g
if you continue with the nameing 1-9 for the first nine parts, you should have used a total of 15 characters, leaving one more free
servern database=d:\1+d:\2+d:\3+d:\4+d:\5+d:\6+d:\7+d:\8+d:\9+d:\a+d:\b+d:\c+d:\d
So the name = 64K, this is a limit!!!!
I can't understand how to add 2 more partition you mentioned.
WOW the best and most reliable version of Navision is still around \:D/
What you can try is this: (depending on which OS you have the server on).
Copy the NAVI2.exe and client files onto the server, in the
Then change directory to the
Run NAVI2 and use the parameter
since you are in the current directory you don't need the drive / directory spec.
Now when you start the server, just point to
by the way this technique works even if you have the DB on multiple drives, you just have to do the process 12 times.
BY the way, what kind of a drive is
PS I think this is posted to the wrong forum.
I could expand my database from 12 to 16 parts.
But it was local database.
I think I'll expand my actual database next weekend.
Now my database is going at 5 RAID.
As for me it is rather enough.
But the deal is that our company is startin Navision Attain in august 2007.
So that technical equipment will use RAID 10 as an IBM data storage.
So everything fine if you start database from *.bat file.
servern database=1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13,cache=760000,
But only you try to make a windows service (Naviserver1), the error occured, because the service is looking the database in c:\winnt\system32\1
servern database=1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13,cache=760000,
Windows system variables did not help me!
Could you help me?
You wrote something about pointing