I am Designing a Form for Handheld Barcode scanner-so I don't have much space to display infos so:
I like to call a Form from a Overview tabel by changing a Custom-Boolean-Checkbox called "In work". This Checkbox is also use to indicate to other Users that this Inventory Pick is already in Progress by other User. So I use :
In Work - OnValidate()
IF (NOT("In Work")) THEN ERROR (Already in Progress!');
In Work - OnAfterValidate()
FORM.RUN (50028,Rec);
I thought that the record should be saved before calling other Form, but it isn't. So the other Users cannot see that the Pick is already in progress.
What am I doing wrong this time.
Thank you.
record.insert when u call new from...
Commit does not bring any change.
rec.insert causes Error : Record already exists.....
At the Start of the Called Form (On After Get Record) some Dialogs with Input are started. If the User Cancels the Record is not changed. Only If I pass all Input the Original Record is modified.
Has anybody an Idea ....