Company Copy v1.5

AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
edited 2010-03-25 in Download section
Company Copy v1.5
Copy data between companies in your database comfortably with this cutie made for Navision 3.70 (and higher).

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  • AnonymousAnonymous Guest Posts: 137
    When a record variable from another table is used in the onvalidate trigger, the record will be one from the company which is open. Tricky or the meaning ??
  • AnonymousAnonymous Guest Posts: 137
    Yes, when you validate a field and in this validate records are used as variable, then these records are from the company that is active.

    This is a Navision thingy.

    You can use company copy from every company in your database. I recommend running CompanyCopy in the company you are coping to.

    Thx for your feedback!
  • zoechiangzoechiang Member Posts: 5

    Whenever I copy the data by choosing some specific fields, other fields of data I didn't choose will be lost.

    Can I keep the original value if I didn't select the field to copy
  • imurphyimurphy Member Posts: 308
    I think I've found a small bug.

    While copying several tables one after another Nav displayed an error saying that RECORDREF had to be closed before it could be used again. After spending a little time stepping through the code I added the three closes shown in the code below to the copydata function to the Copy Company Managemente CU. After this there were no problems.
        NumOfRecsSkipped := NumOfRecsSkipped + GetNumOfRecs(Template."From Company",Table."Table No.");
    UNTIL Table.NEXT = 0;
    MESSAGE(Text005,Template."From Company",Template."To Company",NumOfRecsCreated,NumOfRecsModified,NumOfRecsSkipped);
  • kmaiers012kmaiers012 Member Posts: 1
    Is there a way that I am not seeing to put parameters as to what data I would like to grab? I only see a way to pull everything.

    Thanks for you help,
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    If you are on SQL, you can also check this:
    It generates a SQL script in which you can always put some where-statements.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

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