When displaying records in a grid on a from usually the first record within the grid is 'highlighted' as the current record.
However in a specific situation I would like to 'set the cursor' to another record within the grid by default (depending on some data-criteria).
My example: I present a table with some alternatives from which one alternative can be chosen. When modifying the same data again (showing its possible alternatives again) , it would be nice to highlight the previously selected alternative in the grid.
I have tried to get this done with <tablename>_ds.setCurrent() or with <tablename>_ds.setCursor() but I don't get things working.
Anybody got an idea how to get this working properly?
Thanx in advance
Bert van Dijk
Rotor BV
<tableName>_ds.findRecord(<record that need to position to>);
But be aware that it is not the fastest operation there is
My blog - http://kashperuk.blogspot.com
MorphX IT in Russian - http://www.lulu.com/content/723888
Inside Dynamics AX 4.0 in Russian - http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/3714582
Sometimes one overlooks the obvious.
I added this method on the end of executeQuery() for this dataset.
Works fine.
Rotor BV