Upgrade to NAVW15.00: ODBC SQL Server Driver error

ronvdwronvdw Member Posts: 16

I just finalized the upgrade of a NAVW14.00.03 application to NAVW15.00. Unfortunately I cannot import the object file because a SQL Server Driver error occors.

Error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]String data, right truncation
State ID: 22001

I noticed the problem is caused by a field name with the following name:
Enabled Field No. Field Name Data Type Length Description
Yes 7 Cleanup Action Outbound Option
If I rename this field to "Cleanup Action Outboun" (without the last character) it works. It seems to be caused by the length of the field name. If I remove the table and import the fob file it works ok.

Does anyone suffer the same problem?
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