I want to read multiply text files in 1time by using a dialog to select a folder.
Is there a way to read out all the files with the same extension in one time without interuption bye the user?
Select a folder than instead (use Winapi::browseForPath(infolog.hWnd())
Then use WinAPI again to go through the files: (use \Classes\WinAPI\findFirstFile)
Then use WinAPI again to go through the files: (use \Classes\WinAPI\findFirstFile)
Also, there is an example here:
Good luck!
My blog - http://kashperuk.blogspot.com
MorphX IT in Russian - http://www.lulu.com/content/723888
Inside Dynamics AX 4.0 in Russian - http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/3714582
It works with that example.