Report Printing

anilkumaranilkumar Member Posts: 136
hi Experts,

Is there any property to print footer at end of page only and that footer part in the first pages, whould fill with page body.

1)In standard report we can set footer part can print at end of the page or every page,
2)I have set property to print footer at end of the page only
3)report is ok, but in first pages printing blank at that footer part, If I require to print some items there(Like first page should contain only header and complete body till end of the page, and next page starting from body only and at the end of the page body + footer)

this case any built-in property is there or have write code, if code then please guide me.

Anil Kumar Korada
Technical Consultant


  • warraxwarrax Member Posts: 25

    That is one of the "problems" with Navision Reports. Even if you don't want the Footer to print, The report will still "reserve" the space for a footer - probably for "incase" it is the last page.

    Solution: Add another DataItem "Integer" (MaxIteration = 1) after your DataItem and put your "Footer" in the "Body" of the Integer DataItem.

  • anilkumaranilkumar Member Posts: 136
    Thanks a lot. Mr.Warrax

    given good solution.
    Anil Kumar Korada
    Technical Consultant
  • [TweaK][TweaK] Member Posts: 14
    I Disagree..
    A Body does not have the Properties "print on every page" and "place in bottom"

    Anyway.. I'm really in a pickle right now, i can't get navision to do what it logically should!
    I have 3 Footers.. But only 1 has to be printed.
    what footer should be printed is a parameter passed into the report.

    At First i had 1 DataItem with 3 Footers, Each footer has "PrintOnEveryPage" and "PlaceInBottem" set to TRUE
    In the Section code of each footer i used the "CurrReport.ShowOutput(TRUE/FALSE)"
    -> So only 1 footer will be printed at all times.
    Now like anilkumar mentioned at first: 1 Footer is Shown, the other 2 aren't shown, but the space they take up is still there.. it's just a big white space :x
    As it seems there is no way to get rid of the White Space and keep the Footer Properties

    So for my Second Try i added 3 Integer DataItems, each with maxiterations set to 1
    Each Integer DataItem Represents and Holds a Footer Section. The integer is set to a bogus setrange when the section should not be shown.
    Each footer holds the same properties as mentioned above.
    Now when i print, the whitespace is gone. It's just that on the first page there is no footer.. but navision has added 2 extra BLANK pages, each with the Footer ...!

    I'm going completely MAD, does anyone know a REAL solution to this!?
    Sometimes, navision = ](*,)
  • [TweaK][TweaK] Member Posts: 14
    The only solution i've found so far is just ludacris.
    If you want multiple Footer Sections under 1 DataItem, with only 1 footer printed at a time you have only 1 option:
    - Create the DataItem 3 Times, under each DataItem set the footer you need, and let the dataItem with the correct footer run when it is required

    -> This does mean that if under that dataitam, there are multiple dataitems indented, that all these have to be repeated to.
    -> As i said, this is ludacris :'(
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